Surviving success
When Success is not faced with common sense, it
can touch aspects of our ego affecting our perception of reality.
By Moris Beracha
In some
conversations it is common to raise the subject on how to face success. At
first this question surprises me because one might think that people's
curiosity focuses more on how to deal with pain. Then I understood that success
is a desire that all human beings have. You can think of it as the positive culmination
of a task or wish come true; the problem begins when success affects our ego.
It is very
common to see us as humans how well we can cope with problems but it is also
common to see how difficult it is for us to deal with success. As it has been
said "Nothing corrupts a person more than power"
When success is
not faced with common sense, it can touch aspects of our ego affecting our
perception of reality. Success ascends with power, which is the ability to do
things that other people cannot do.
Knowing how to
channel this kind of faculty and avoid falling into arrogance and pride, which
are the two negative manifestations of the ego, are fundamental to avoid losing
the focus on what is the real substance of things.
Attachments do not come from having goods of fortune, but from the way our mind reacts to them.
We can
participate in abundance as long as we have the ability to see that all these
things do not have a real or true essence. They may well arrive or leave, the
important thing is our attitude towards them.
Life is a way of
daily teaching in which attachment to negative values slows the expansion of
our mind and can adversely affect those around us and ourselves.
Power sometimes
blinds and those who brag about it may lose the sense of right and wrong. Fame,
wealth, showiness may suddenly cease to exist, leaving in the affected mind a
ruined spirituality.
Success is
appreciated but also shared. One way to do this is by controlling the ego and
understanding success as the possibility of expanding the positive thing in us
towards others. It is the only way to survive.
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